Messenger Error
(too old to reply)
Chris Hughes
2021-12-02 13:31:48 UTC
I am getting an error message when I send emails from Mpro.
The send box comes on screen saying loggin onto to relay.plus.net
followed by 'completed with errors'
disconnecting from relay.plus.net'.
Can anyone give any advice on this problem.
Malcolm Smith
I suspect you have a stuck email for some reason in the queue, an error in
the email address is a common reason.

I think they are in one of the folders in this location:


But first of all have a look at the red mailbox icon at the top bar in the
Messenger Main groups window. Your stuck message should actually be there.

I also notice from your headers you are using a rather old version of
Messenger Pro - the current version is 8.05 you are using 6.06 !
Chris Hughes
T M Smith
2021-12-02 15:42:40 UTC
Post by Chris Hughes
I am getting an error message when I send emails from Mpro.
The send box comes on screen saying loggin onto to relay.plus.net
followed by 'completed with errors'
disconnecting from relay.plus.net'.
Can anyone give any advice on this problem.
Malcolm Smith
I suspect you have a stuck email for some reason in the queue, an error in
the email address is a common reason.
But first of all have a look at the red mailbox icon at the top bar in the
Messenger Main groups window. Your stuck message should actually be there.
I also notice from your headers you are using a rather old version of
Messenger Pro - the current version is 8.05 you are using 6.06 !
At last I am able to send emails again after Andrew sorted out my
problems. You were correct in stating it was a 'mail queing' problem but
it was complicated by my clock battery failing and various other faults
contributing or obscuring the situation.
Anyway things seem to be OK again and I have updated my software as well
Thanks for your help
Malcolm Smith
T M Smith
Using an ARMX6 and RISC OS 5.21 in the North Riding of Yorkshire