RiscCAD Professional Release 10 is now available on !Store
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David Buck
2022-01-20 09:37:28 UTC
RiscCAD Professional, the popular 2D CAD program for RISC OS is now available on PlingStore.

RiscCAD is a fully featured 2D CAD program, written by a professional engineer, it allows the creation of complex 2D drawings, but can also be used as a supplement to other programs such as !Draw to create forms and other artwork where Draw's grid snap is not suitable.

Some of the key features of RiscCAD are:-
* Multiple drawings and multiple views per drawing.
* Multiple snaps with on-the-fly snap.
* Automatic dimensions which update after editing.
* Full ray-cast line and pattern hatching to fill complex shapes.
* Supplied with over 150 patterns, or create your own.
* Pattern options include last row or first row and multiple islands can be detected.
* Paper sizes above A0 and draw to scale feature with configurable origin.
* Page rulers and on-screen isometric, rectangular or oblique grid.
* Integrated drawing symbol library manager.
* Integrated drawing library manager with preview.
* Full control over printout including sideways, scaled and tiled printing.
* Output to plotter via HPGL, or create your own driver with the programmable output driver.
* Included plotter utilities can support up to 20 different plot queues on a single or networked machines.
* Up to 255 outline fonts per drawing, for both text and dimensions.
* Draw import and export.
* DXF import and export.
* Numerous object constructions including 3 point circles, parallel objects, perpendiculars etc.
* Many editing operations including fillet, chamfer, join, trim, stretch.
* Draw style select mode allowing grouping of objects and transformations on selections.
* Transformations such as polar and rectangular arrays, step and repeat, scale, rotate etc.
* Quick edit tool which allows an object to be picked up and edited as if being created from new.
* Fully toolbox driven interface with configurable toolbox size and position.
* Large clear tool icons and dialog boxes.
* Many settings can be configured such as grid colour, automatic save etc.
* Fully interactive help within RiscCAD and via the !Help application.
* HTML User Guide and Command Reference manuals included.

Price is £40, available now.

Also now available on !Store is !Draw2DXF for converting draw files to DXF and !RCADView which is a RiscCAD Release 10 file viewer to allow anyone without RiscCAD to view RiscCAD drawings. Some sample drawings are also included. Both of these utlities are free of charge.

David Buck
Adrian Crafer
2022-01-20 14:32:06 UTC
Post by David Buck
RiscCAD Professional, the popular 2D CAD program for RISC OS is now
available on PlingStore.
RiscCAD is a fully featured 2D CAD program, written by a professional
engineer, it allows the creation of complex 2D drawings, but can also be
used as a supplement to other programs such as !Draw to create forms and
other artwork where Draw's grid snap is not suitable.
Some of the key features of RiscCAD are:-
* Multiple drawings and multiple views per drawing.
* Multiple snaps with on-the-fly snap.
* Automatic dimensions which update after editing.
* Full ray-cast line and pattern hatching to fill complex shapes.
* Supplied with over 150 patterns, or create your own.
* Pattern options include last row or first row and multiple islands can be detected.
* Paper sizes above A0 and draw to scale feature with configurable origin.
* Page rulers and on-screen isometric, rectangular or oblique grid.
* Integrated drawing symbol library manager.
* Integrated drawing library manager with preview.
* Full control over printout including sideways, scaled and tiled printing.
* Output to plotter via HPGL, or create your own driver with the
programmable output driver.
* Included plotter utilities can support up to 20 different plot queues on
a single or networked machines.
* Up to 255 outline fonts per drawing, for both text and dimensions.
* Draw import and export.
* DXF import and export.
* Numerous object constructions including 3 point circles, parallel
objects, perpendiculars etc.
* Many editing operations including fillet, chamfer, join, trim, stretch.
* Draw style select mode allowing grouping of objects and transformations on selections.
* Transformations such as polar and rectangular arrays, step and repeat, scale, rotate etc.
* Quick edit tool which allows an object to be picked up and edited as if
being created from new.
* Fully toolbox driven interface with configurable toolbox size and position.
* Large clear tool icons and dialog boxes.
* Many settings can be configured such as grid colour, automatic save etc.
* Fully interactive help within RiscCAD and via the !Help application.
* HTML User Guide and Command Reference manuals included.
Price is £40, available now.
Also now available on !Store is !Draw2DXF for converting draw files to DXF
and !RCADView which is a RiscCAD Release 10 file viewer to allow anyone
without RiscCAD to view RiscCAD drawings. Some sample drawings are also
included. Both of these utlities are free of charge.
David Buck
Is there any upgrade discount?

Paul Stewart
2022-01-20 19:49:36 UTC
Post by Adrian Crafer
Post by David Buck
RiscCAD Professional, the popular 2D CAD program for RISC OS is now
available on PlingStore.
RiscCAD is a fully featured 2D CAD program, written by a professional
engineer, it allows the creation of complex 2D drawings, but can also be
used as a supplement to other programs such as !Draw to create forms and
other artwork where Draw's grid snap is not suitable.
Some of the key features of RiscCAD are:-
* Multiple drawings and multiple views per drawing.
* Multiple snaps with on-the-fly snap.
* Automatic dimensions which update after editing.
* Full ray-cast line and pattern hatching to fill complex shapes.
* Supplied with over 150 patterns, or create your own.
* Pattern options include last row or first row and multiple islands can be detected.
* Paper sizes above A0 and draw to scale feature with configurable origin.
* Page rulers and on-screen isometric, rectangular or oblique grid.
* Integrated drawing symbol library manager.
* Integrated drawing library manager with preview.
* Full control over printout including sideways, scaled and tiled printing.
* Output to plotter via HPGL, or create your own driver with the
programmable output driver.
* Included plotter utilities can support up to 20 different plot queues on
a single or networked machines.
* Up to 255 outline fonts per drawing, for both text and dimensions.
* Draw import and export.
* DXF import and export.
* Numerous object constructions including 3 point circles, parallel
objects, perpendiculars etc.
* Many editing operations including fillet, chamfer, join, trim, stretch.
* Draw style select mode allowing grouping of objects and transformations on selections.
* Transformations such as polar and rectangular arrays, step and repeat,
scale, rotate etc.
* Quick edit tool which allows an object to be picked up and edited as if
being created from new.
* Fully toolbox driven interface with configurable toolbox size and position.
* Large clear tool icons and dialog boxes.
* Many settings can be configured such as grid colour, automatic save etc.
* Fully interactive help within RiscCAD and via the !Help application.
* HTML User Guide and Command Reference manuals included.
Price is £40, available now.
Also now available on !Store is !Draw2DXF for converting draw files to DXF
and !RCADView which is a RiscCAD Release 10 file viewer to allow anyone
without RiscCAD to view RiscCAD drawings. Some sample drawings are also
included. Both of these utlities are free of charge.
David Buck
Is there any upgrade discount?
Considering the price only £40, I wouldn't have thought it worth offering
an upgrade discount.
Paul Stewart
Sent from A9home running RISC OS 4.42
David Buck
2022-01-21 09:05:42 UTC
Post by Adrian Crafer
Is there any upgrade discount?
Hi Adrian

I took the decision a while ago not to offer upgrades from previous releases as the cost is low anyway. Some programs cost as much to upgrade as RiscCAD costs for a new version.

If you have an earlier Release 10 version, there is no real substantial difference in the current release that you would need an upgrade.

David Buck
Adrian Crafer
2022-01-21 10:35:40 UTC
Post by David Buck
Post by Adrian Crafer
Is there any upgrade discount?
Hi Adrian
I took the decision a while ago not to offer upgrades from previous
releases as the cost is low anyway. Some programs cost as much to upgrade
as RiscCAD costs for a new version.
If you have an earlier Release 10 version, there is no real substantial
difference in the current release that you would need an upgrade.
David Buck
Thanks for the reply I quite understand the situation. I am always guided
by the principle "if you don't ask you don't get" so in this case there is
nothing to get so looks like I will be buying the new release.

Thanks for continuing to support the program.

2022-01-21 13:51:51 UTC
Post by David Buck
Post by Adrian Crafer
Is there any upgrade discount?
Hi Adrian
I took the decision a while ago not to offer upgrades from previous
releases as the cost is low anyway. Some programs cost as much to
upgrade as RiscCAD costs for a new version.
If you have an earlier Release 10 version, there is no real substantial
difference in the current release that you would need an upgrade.
I have a very early copy which, at the time, I couldn't get on with for
some reason and I've been using ProCad+ but I have issues with that too so
only use it when I have to. My installer for RiscCAD, I haven't tried to
install it on my ARMX6 or Pi as I suspect it would fail, is dated Jan 2005
so I guess I should purchase a copy and have another look at it.
Stuart Winsor

Tools With A Mission
sending tools across the world
David Buck
2022-01-22 11:13:29 UTC
Post by Stuart
Post by David Buck
If you have an earlier Release 10 version, there is no real substantial
difference in the current release that you would need an upgrade.
I have a very early copy which, at the time, I couldn't get on with for
some reason and I've been using ProCad+ but I have issues with that too so
only use it when I have to. My installer for RiscCAD, I haven't tried to
install it on my ARMX6 or Pi as I suspect it would fail, is dated Jan 2005
so I guess I should purchase a copy and have another look at it.
I can't think of a reason that installer would not work. The ones prior to StrongARM used specific disk protection, but the one I've used for ages is really just a file unpacker.

David Buck
2022-01-22 12:11:46 UTC
Post by David Buck
Post by Stuart
Post by David Buck
If you have an earlier Release 10 version, there is no real
substantial difference in the current release that you would need
an upgrade.
I have a very early copy which, at the time, I couldn't get on with
for some reason and I've been using ProCad+ but I have issues with
that too so only use it when I have to. My installer for RiscCAD, I
haven't tried to install it on my ARMX6 or Pi as I suspect it would
fail, is dated Jan 2005 so I guess I should purchase a copy and have
another look at it.
I can't think of a reason that installer would not work. The ones prior
to StrongARM used specific disk protection, but the one I've used for
ages is really just a file unpacker.
The very early version I have from 2005 will run on RISCOS 5.28 ?
Stuart Winsor

Tools With A Mission
sending tools across the world
David Buck
2022-01-22 12:57:04 UTC
Post by Stuart
Post by David Buck
I can't think of a reason that installer would not work. The ones prior
to StrongARM used specific disk protection, but the one I've used for
ages is really just a file unpacker.
The very early version I have from 2005 will run on RISCOS 5.28 ?
Should do, it's not really an early version, I'm guessing it would be 8e or 9, maybe even 10.

Early versions date from 1993 !

David Buck
2022-01-22 22:03:26 UTC
Post by David Buck
Post by Stuart
Post by David Buck
I can't think of a reason that installer would not work. The ones
prior to StrongARM used specific disk protection, but the one I've
used for ages is really just a file unpacker.
The very early version I have from 2005 will run on RISCOS 5.28 ?
Should do, it's not really an early version, I'm guessing it would be 8e
or 9, maybe even 10.
Early versions date from 1993 !
It does indeed work on RISCOS 5.28 on a Pi4! (FOURTress) It is 8e

My use is for designing cases and front panel layouts for my electronic
projects. I print on a Dell laser.
Stuart Winsor

Tools With A Mission
sending tools across the world
David Buck
2022-01-25 14:00:47 UTC
Post by Stuart
It does indeed work on RISCOS 5.28 on a Pi4! (FOURTress) It is 8e
My use is for designing cases and front panel layouts for my electronic
projects. I print on a Dell laser.
You might benefit from Release 10, features which have been added and probably relevant to you are cached dimensions to speed up redraw, multiple views allowing you to see the same part of your design in different windows at different sizes (and automatically switch between them when the mouse enters the window) and improved hatching.

David Buck

Dave Plowman (News)
2022-01-22 13:46:38 UTC
Post by Stuart
Post by David Buck
Post by Adrian Crafer
Is there any upgrade discount?
Hi Adrian
I took the decision a while ago not to offer upgrades from previous
releases as the cost is low anyway. Some programs cost as much to
upgrade as RiscCAD costs for a new version.
If you have an earlier Release 10 version, there is no real substantial
difference in the current release that you would need an upgrade.
I have a very early copy which, at the time, I couldn't get on with for
some reason and I've been using ProCad+ but I have issues with that too so
only use it when I have to. My installer for RiscCAD, I haven't tried to
install it on my ARMX6 or Pi as I suspect it would fail, is dated Jan 2005
so I guess I should purchase a copy and have another look at it.
Anyone done an objective comparison between RiscCAD and ProCAD?
*Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it*

Dave Plowman ***@davenoise.co.uk London SW
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