Getting Back Again With KevNav
(too old to reply)
Chris Newman
2022-01-27 23:52:26 UTC
My UK route finder application for RISC OS called KevNav has received
it's first update.
They are a few spelling errors corrected, the from and to route with the
time it should take plus the distance has been copied from the window
title bar to the last item on the route as a few people did not realise
it was on the title bar. The time on the directions has hours, mins and
secs instead of just the numbers. e.g 4 hours 34 mins and 11 secs
instead of 04:34:11 for more clarity and a return button which gives a
return route, so you can get a route back to where you started from.
Another great application from kevsoft. Many thanks Kevin. Another thing
I won't need Windows for.
Chris Newman
2022-01-30 12:40:00 UTC
Post by Chris Newman
My UK route finder application for RISC OS called KevNav has
received it's first update.
They are a few spelling errors corrected, the from and to route
with the time it should take plus the distance has been copied
from the window title bar to the last item on the route as a few
people did not realise it was on the title bar. The time on the
directions has hours, mins and secs instead of just the numbers.
e.g 4 hours 34 mins and 11 secs instead of 04:34:11 for more
clarity and a return button which gives a return route, so you
can get a route back to where you started from.
Another great application from kevsoft. Many thanks Kevin. Another
thing I won't need Windows for.
Have had a play with this, and the front end is fine as such.
However, I am not impressed by some of the routes being returned for
journeys I am familiar with. It seems to work on 'as the crow flies'
routes and sometimes appears to take you down a labyrinth of tertiary
roads (not even B class) that I wouldn't dream of using, to save a
few miles instead of staying on A class roads.

Is there any choice in the API of specifying e.g. shortest, or
fastest, or perhaps no motorway? I have some recollection of a route
finder on another OS that gave a range of choices when asking for a

This is not to criticise you, Kev, in any way. Your various apps are
very useful.
Chris Johnson
Kevin Wells
2022-01-30 18:36:09 UTC
Post by News
Post by Chris Newman
My UK route finder application for RISC OS called KevNav has
received it's first update.
They are a few spelling errors corrected, the from and to route
with the time it should take plus the distance has been copied
from the window title bar to the last item on the route as a few
people did not realise it was on the title bar. The time on the
directions has hours, mins and secs instead of just the numbers.
e.g 4 hours 34 mins and 11 secs instead of 04:34:11 for more
clarity and a return button which gives a return route, so you
can get a route back to where you started from.
Another great application from kevsoft. Many thanks Kevin. Another
thing I won't need Windows for.
Have had a play with this, and the front end is fine as such.
However, I am not impressed by some of the routes being returned for
journeys I am familiar with. It seems to work on 'as the crow flies'
routes and sometimes appears to take you down a labyrinth of tertiary
roads (not even B class) that I wouldn't dream of using, to save a
few miles instead of staying on A class roads.
Is there any choice in the API of specifying e.g. shortest, or
fastest, or perhaps no motorway? I have some recollection of a route
finder on another OS that gave a range of choices when asking for a
Unfortunatly the API does not have a choice of routes, if they do have
one in future I will look into implementing it. Also if any one does
know about an API which does I will also look into it.
Post by News
This is not to criticise you, Kev, in any way. Your various apps are
very useful.
Kev Wells
http://kevsoft.co.uk/ https://ko-fi.com/kevsoft
carpe cervisium
http://worldticketshop.cleafs.com/go?k=TWKNy827tFspChxaFRbKe-OqVi3uXIyc MotoGP
2022-01-31 06:56:13 UTC
Post by Kevin Wells
Post by News
Post by Chris Newman
My UK route finder application for RISC OS called KevNav has
received it's first update.
They are a few spelling errors corrected, the from and to route
with the time it should take plus the distance has been copied
from the window title bar to the last item on the route as a few
people did not realise it was on the title bar. The time on the
directions has hours, mins and secs instead of just the numbers.
e.g 4 hours 34 mins and 11 secs instead of 04:34:11 for more
clarity and a return button which gives a return route, so you
can get a route back to where you started from.
Another great application from kevsoft. Many thanks Kevin. Another
thing I won't need Windows for.
Have had a play with this, and the front end is fine as such.
However, I am not impressed by some of the routes being returned for
journeys I am familiar with. It seems to work on 'as the crow flies'
routes and sometimes appears to take you down a labyrinth of tertiary
roads (not even B class) that I wouldn't dream of using, to save a
few miles instead of staying on A class roads.
Is there any choice in the API of specifying e.g. shortest, or
fastest, or perhaps no motorway? I have some recollection of a route
finder on another OS that gave a range of choices when asking for a
Unfortunatly the API does not have a choice of routes, if they do have
one in future I will look into implementing it. Also if any one does
know about an API which does I will also look into it.
Post by News
This is not to criticise you, Kev, in any way. Your various apps are
very useful.
For me it has suggested a route taking me 2 miles out of my way, just to
go by an A class road, which also includes a bottle neck. I normally
travel this route using a B class road to save time and mileage. My car's
built-in satnav also suggests this same wonky route.

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