pptx files on RISCOS
(too old to reply)
Alan P Dawes
2022-07-06 09:29:15 UTC
Is there a way of reading pptx files on RiscOS?

Using an ARMX6
John Crane
2022-07-08 18:08:30 UTC
Post by Alan P Dawes
Is there a way of reading pptx files on RiscOS?
I would think probably not.

pptx files are powerpoint presntation files which come with more recent
versions of MS Office.

Not much in the way of Presentation apps for RISC OS these days.

I think OHP could read older ppt files, but I don't think it's been
updated for quite some years.
Elesar Sales
2022-07-09 19:40:29 UTC
Post by John Crane
Post by Alan P Dawes
Is there a way of reading pptx files on RiscOS?
I would think probably not.
The 'x' suffixed Office file formats are merely XML wrapped in a ZIP file, so you can drop the file onto SparkFS which reveals a directory structure that you can "read" by rummaging round in the raw contents, but that's not quite the same as viewing them like PowerPoint would do.
Post by John Crane
Not much in the way of Presentation apps for RISC OS these days.
I think OHP could read older ppt files, but I don't think it's been
updated for quite some years.
TextEase includes a very capable presentation app ("TeShow" or Presenter) with a story board view, ability to add page transitions, annotate during a presentation, and similar features. Each slide is really just a TextEase page so can mix and match text with any other media TextEase can import like animations and photos.

TextEase 5.99 was updated in the last 12 months

alas also doesn't natively read PowerPoint, but may be of interest?
Elesar Sales.
2022-07-14 19:32:05 UTC
Post by John Crane
Post by Alan P Dawes
Is there a way of reading pptx files on RiscOS?
I would think probably not.
pptx files are powerpoint presntation files which come with more recent
versions of MS Office. Not much in the way of Presentation apps for RISC
OS these days. I think OHP could read older ppt files, but I don't think
it's been updated for quite some years.
OHP, Fade and TextEase all work well to run a presentation. None of them
can (or could) import PowerPoint files. I use OHP on a Pi Zero at RISC OS
Shows for a rolling display.

OHP 2.60 (18-Oct-2004) from CJE £40
Fade 0.94 (30-May-2016) from The Really Small Software Company Free
TextEase -- refer to Sprow's advice and the Elesar site for cost

John Rickman
2022-07-16 18:08:14 UTC
Post by John Crane
Not much in the way of Presentation apps for RISC OS these days.
ArtWorks is a useful tool for text and image based presentation.
Use the multi-page and Master page features and page up/down to move from
slide to slide.
John Rickman
Chris Newman
2022-07-09 20:57:19 UTC
Post by Alan P Dawes
Is there a way of reading pptx files on RiscOS?
Apparently you can use Google docs' conversion tool to change them to ODP
format and view them in Libre Office on the PC. Then perhaps you could
extract the slides and rebuild something on RiscOS.

Back in about 2007, I wrote an article for Archive mag about doing
presentations on RiscOS using !Thump.

TextEase from Elesar has a presentation app if you want to fork out some
Chris Newman